Friday, May 16, 2014

Our Episode of House Hunter's International: Where Are They Now Airing Now on HGTV

House Hunter's International did a follow up on us and our business last August!  It started airing in January '14 and airs pretty much monthly. Check your HGTV listings to see us in action!

Getting you caught up on all of our Panama Project Videos! Episodes 22-26

Holy's been awhile.

Paragliding in Cape Town, South Africa

Snorkel Sesh

Jungle walkin'
Hey there!  As most of you know I have been extremely busy running a business over here on an island. Being a chef, a maid, a server, bartender, concierge has been more than a full time job, it is now my life.  Sometimes I want to rip my hair out follicle by follicle.....other times I want to laugh at the fact that here I am, living on my terms in the caribbean. This past year has been crazy. Our restaurant is consistently in the top 3 in all of Bocas on Tripadvisor (how did that happen?!) Our rooms are booked even in low season when others are complaining about the lack of tourists. We just bought a boat (ummm.....a small panga that needs a TON of work so go picturing anything outta a rap video :) We have also had some amazing adventures this past year with friends visiting, a safari in Africa and most recently we did the four day Inca trail hike to Machu Picchu.  Our business is affording us the time to do some pretty epic shit! So now I will document all of that fun-ness for you......