Friday, November 11, 2011

Katie's first cooking class......and yummy sides for the fall.

My friend Katie VonTill claimed she couldn't even boil water.  She wanted to learn a few basic things, a few dishes she could throw together for a potluck, an easy dinner she could cook for friends etc.

We decided on a buncha stuff:

Everyone should know how to roast a chicken with carrots and potatoes (see post on November 22)

Everyone should know the right way to cook a piece of fish (pat it dry and season with salt and pepper. Place in a HOT pan with a drizzle of vegetable or canola oil. If it's a thin piece a min or two on each side is good. If it's thick, 3 minutes or until iot's crispy and browned. Flip. If thick, then transfer to 350 oven for 5 minutes.)
Pan roasted halibut

Everyone should have a few vegetable side dishes in their arsenal, especially techniques that can be used with different veggies depending on the season
For Brussel Sprouts and Cauliflower: Chop in half or pieces. Place in a HOT pan with oil. Don't move them around too much. You want them to brown. Season with salt and pepper. When color has developed, add stock and chopped garlic. When stock is mostly gone, veggies should be done. Done-ness should be softer but still with a bite. You don't want mushy vegetables.
For brussels, add dried cranberries or dates and bacon. Finish with a drizzle of red wine vinegar or balsamic. For cauliflower, add chili flakes for a kick or some fresh grated parm and chopped parsley.
Brussel Sprouts with dried cranberries and bacon

Brussels and roasted cauliflower
Everyone should know how to make fresh salsa and never have to buy it in a jar again

add tomatoes, half an onion, a jalapeno, cilantro, lime juice and salt. Blend. SALSA! 
Everyone should know how easy and delicious it is to make amazing mac and cheese, eliminating the cheesy powder stuff from their pantry

Before we topped it with bread crumbs and put it in the oven to brown....

 Soooooooooooooooo we went to work in her beautiful kitchen she never uses.  We also got to bust out the food processor she received as a wedding gift a couple of YEARS ago.  Still new in the box. As you can see from above, she now has the tools to make so many dishes.  Leftover chicken? Make tacos, quesadillas...add fresh salsa.  Wanna spice up your mac n cheese? Add a diced jalapeno. Add bacon.  Add crab or lobster meat.  So many options. So easy to do. Want your own cooking class?  Get in touch and we can decide on a menu. I'll come to you :)

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